Happy Mango is Happy

Happy Mango Beads is a bead store in Colorado.  They have a cute website and sell many interesting beads.  They have had a shout-out on their Facebook page for blog reviews, and I am happy to oblige.  These first pictures are of their resin bicone beads.  These are a spring green, a pea green, and have a milky opacity.  I used these in this necklace.

They also have these large bicones in blue. Again, they have a milky opacity with a matte finish.  I would call this somewhere between aqua and turquoise.  Both of these bicones have holes large enough to hold two strands of beading wire I believe. 

Next are some resin wheels in a dark brick brown color.  These are unusual because they have a center drilled hole.  If they were drilled top to bottom, they would string in a flat way, which of course is fine, but I wanted something that would jut out three dimensionally.  And I wanted it big, but light.  You'll see the necklace below.
I was looking for the contrast of the chunky wheels on the thin (yet sturdy) beading wire.

Next up is Snowflake Obsidian in nugget form.  When I first glanced at this, it appeared to be black and white, but actually it is black and gray.  We are most familiar with black obsidian, a type of volcanic glass.  My first thought is that this would look good with other black and gray beads, along with some silver, for a classic look.  For an updated look, it could be paired with some neon colored beads, such as orange, yellow, or green.  Just below that are lava beads in tabular form.  These are polished and irregular.  Lava beads always have that pock-marked look to them.  Isn't it nice that both these beads come from volcanoes?  Volcanoes are so destructive, yet still produce something lovely.

Last but not least is the Happy Mango itself.  Alright, it is just a mango from my kitchen.  I have surrounded it with the beads from Happy Mango Beads.  The mango looks like it had a wild all-nighter, but don't worry.  It has no regrets, just some lovely foggy memories!


KIRA Earrings

  I made these earrings from the Kira Earrings pattern on BeadsMagic.com .  It was an easy to follow pattern, so I only messed up a few ti...